Sick of Holiday Suffering?

The holidays are not always a beautiful and magical time of year.  For many it is a season of exhaustion and to-do lists.

For some, it is much worse. It is a season full of dread and triggers of past traumatic events.  

Many people who have experienced past childhood abuse at the hands of family members or ‘family friends’ will find the holidays a very painful time of year, opening up old wounds.

If this describes you, please know that you are not alone. You do not have to carry these burdens by yourself, and you do not have to ‘push through’ this season the way you always have.

Make this season different. Here’s how you can use your voice to say no, and set boundaries.

Find Support

  • Consider joining a support group.  There are some amazing online healing communities for people who have experienced abuse in childhood.  They’re either free or by donation, and you can join or leave at any time.  Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse is one (  Email: for info about the group and to receive the zoom link to try a meeting out.

Empower Yourself

Picture this: reclaiming your voice and setting boundaries like never before!

  • Learn to Say 'No' - Recognize the power of your voice by saying 'no' to activities or situations that trigger distress. Identify what you can stop doing or reject to protect your well-being.

  • Skip Uncomfortable Functions - If the thought of attending certain events brings feelings of obligation or dread, consider saying 'no.' Reflect on the consequences and ask yourself what's worse: declining an invitation or enduring discomfort?

  • Establish New Traditions - Forge your path by creating new traditions, such as spending time with chosen friends or family. Alternatively, treat yourself to a change of scenery by going out of town.

  • Set Time Limits - If you decide to attend an event that requires boundaries, set a predetermined time to leave. Politely excuse yourself when the time comes, saying, "It's time for me to head out. Thanks for hosting. Happy holidays," without the need for extensive explanations.

At Tapestry Counselling Centre we work with people every day who have survived abuse and trauma.  We are here to help.  Please consider reaching out to us to book a free 30-minute consultation to talk with a trauma-informed counsellor and start moving through a healing journey today. Website: ; Phone: 604-876-7600 ; Email: ; Online booking:


2024: Your Year of Healing from Childhood Abuse